The Katha Upanishad and the Joy of Infinity Intro video

"The Katha Upanishad and the Joy of Infinity" - a free massive course on my doctoral dissertation.

A complete translation of the ancient text dedicated to the immortality of man through the eyes of the child Nachiketa.

I assert that the true essence of man is his ability to become immortal.

All the answers are in the practical meditations of Nachiketa and his teacher Yama.

Concept of Manu, Manvantara, and Brahmanda. Deification and the power of imagination.

“The city with 11 Gates” as the path to salvation - Moksha.

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The Katha Upanishad and the Joy of Infinity
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Attention! This is a unique paid workshop! Why is this workshop paid, while all others on my site are free? Because it is based on my doctoral dissertation, which I have been working on for 6 years.

✓ Over 10 hours of video content.
✓ Unlimited lifetime access.
✓ The true nature of man to be immortal.
✓ All the essence of free seminars is here.
✓ Included - certified Children's Yoga Teacher seminar.

Attention! This is a unique paid workshop!

Why is this workshop paid, while all others on my site are free?

Because it is based on my doctoral dissertation, which I have been working on for 6 years.

This workshop is a synthesis of my best free courses: "Introduction to Philosophy: The Three Great E's", "The Miracle of Imagination" and "Hinduism", as well as a complete translation of the Katha Upanishad, the greatest book of our civilization.

I claim that the true essence of man is his ability to become immortal.

All the answers are in the practical meditations of Nachiketa and his teacher Yama from the Katha Upanishad.

This workshop is not just a course, it is a journey to yourself, to your true potential.

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Remember that free courses give you the foundation, and this paid workshop is the key to the doors leading to immortality.

Don't miss your chance!

The Katha Upanishad and the Joy of Infinity.

Chapter 1. Introduction: Primary fear. Categories of study and philosophical aspects.

Part 1. The goal of this seminar. 12 minutes video.

What are scientists and religion hiding from us? Human immortality.

Associative Theory and Psychology of Perception. How Are Associations Formed in the Brain? Association Process and

Cognitive Classification. The Proposed Idea of

"Immortality" Active participation in an experiment is a method of scientific proof in science. Regularities and associations.

Part 2. Categories of study in the Katha Upanishad. 14 minutes video.

Immersion into the Wisdom of Katha Upanishad.

Pleasure and Joy. Temporal and Permanent and others categories of research. forms positive associations. Classical Categorization Theory: Foundations in Katha Upanishads. Nachiketa in Katha

Upanishad: Secrets of the Youth in Dialogue with the God of Death. The Secrets of the Hero's Age. Semantic Transformations of the Terms "Brahman and Brahmin”.

Part 3. Nachiketa's Age. 13 minutes video.

Yagnopaveetham. Awareness of Death in Childhood: Quest for Nachiketa's Age. Primary Fear in Early Childhood: Influence and

Awareness. Influence of Soviet Experience on Perception of Death and Afterlife in Society. Children's Perception of Death. Magical Thinking in Children: Development and Superstitions. Function of


Part 4. Primary Fear. 13 minutes video.

Magical thinking.

Sigmund Freud and Thanatophobia.

Freud's theories.

Ernest Becker and "The Denialof Death”.

How a Modern European Resident Combats Fear of Death?

Robert Langs and his research.

Denial of the fear of death in Western society.

Part 5. Fear of Death ans modern societies. 14 minutes video.

Mainstream Cultural Beliefs as a Way to Combat the Fear of Death.

Emanuele Castano.

The reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Fear of Death and the Ego Integrity Stage. Hypothesis of Death and Adaptation (DAH) by Erik Erikson. "Bread and circuses.’

The cause of the conflict between the Muslim world and the world of capitalism.

Part 6. Exploitation of the fear of death by Western societies. 14 minutes video.

Martin Heidegger and “angst”. The Church and the

Fear of Death.

Metaphysics of the Backpack on the Back.

2013 Study on the Relationship between Religiosity and Fear of Death.

Family Relationships and Thanatophobia.

Thanatophobia at Different Life Stages.

Who chooses a profession? You or your fear of death?

Part 7. Eastern Philosophy. 12 minutes video.

Differences between Eastern and Western religious systems.

Katha Upanishad - A Book for Adults or Children? Nachiketa and the Fear of Death.

Persian and Slavic Versions.


Introduction to the Teaching. Eknath Eashwaran, Swami Nikhilananda, and Sri Adi Shankara. T

he Three Great “E”s.

Entity. Essence. Existence.

Part 8. Power of imagination. 11 minutes video.

The Three "E" and Imagination. Existence of Imagination. Imagination in Ancient Civilizations. Preserving Virtual Worlds in Time and Space: Reflections of Ancient Greek and Egyptian Philosophy. The World of Actuality and the World of Potentiality:

Interconnection and Differences. Imagination as the Bridge between Worlds. Soul or Atman. Conditions for the creative process. The passion for manifestation.

Part 9. Imaginary world. 12 minutes video.

Difference between our world and the virtual world in imagination.


“Heavenly-kingdom”. Knowledge of the World in Hinduism.

Paramatma and Samsara-Tattva. God and Creator.


What is God?

Part 10. What is ‘God'? 11 minutes video.

Who is the Creator?

Brahmanda or Manvantara or Manu. Can I reach God? Yoga.


GOD. Gnosis. Vidya Buddhi and Vidya Jnana. "Intelligible Knowledge" and “Perceivable Knowledge”. Intelligible Knowledge: Perceiving the world through our Reason and Mind.

The sensory deprivation chamber and Pratyahara.

Part 11. Perception of the World through the senses. 5 minutes video.

Real knowledge and assimilation, approximation, analogy, assumption, and speculation.


"I believe in the existence of God.”

"I am convinced that God exists.”

Conclusion of brief overview of Hindu philosophy.

Paramatma and Jivatma. Yoga.

Chapter 2. Katha Upanishad.

Part 12. Katha Upanishad. Book One, Chapter One. 11 minutes video.

1.2.5. - 1.2.10. Sacrifice and the Resolution of Nachiketa. Nachiketa meets the God of Death Yama. Yama’s offers.

Katha Upanishad.

Book One, Chapter Two: Does a person exist after death or not?”

Joy and pleasure.

Part 13. Katha Upanishad. Book One, Chapter Two. 13 minutes video.

11.2.10. - 1.2.11. Smartness and wiseness. Power of conviction. Realization as empirical knowledge. Realization of the Self. The overcoming of the duality of object-subject. Awakening. Samsara. Temporary and permanent. Love.

Part 14. Katha Upanishad. Book One, Chapter Two. 13 minutes video.

1.2.11. - 1.2.16. Pratyahara. Why do I feel sensations of joy in the heart? "Divine Principle of existence”. The open gates. Pratitya-samutpada. “This is OM. This is the Divine Symbol”

Part 15. Katha Upanishad. Book One, Chapter Two. 12 minutes video.

11.2.17 - 1.2.19. Ajapa Japa. "Kingdom of heaven”. Samarajya. The Divine Atman. Karma. “Tapas”. The killer believes they can kill. The Situational Anxiety Scale (SCAS-S).

Part 16. Katha Upanishad. Book One, Chapter Two. 14 minutes video.

Part 15. Katha Upanishad. Book One, Chapter Two. 14 minutes video.

1.2.10 - 1.2.25.

"Willfulness begets sorrow.” Enlightened individuals. Meditation. Siddhi. Yama and Niyama. Thanatophobia is conquered. End of Book One, Chapter Two.

Part 17. Katha Upanishad. Book One, Chapter Three. 8 minutes video.

The Chariot.

Description of the chariot and the similarity of the description with Greek images of the chariot.

The third chapter or the first book is a narrative from the third person.

Part 18. Katha Upanishad. Second Book, Chapter One. 9 minutes video.

Persian translation of the Katha Upanishad.

Yoga and Advaita Vedanta. Brahma-sutras (400-450 CE).

Vedic period (1500-600 BCE).

Inclusion from various sacred texts.

Part 19. Katha Upanishad. Second Book, Chapter Two. 13 minutes video.


"City with 11 Gates.” The phrase "This is That”. Imaginary world. Self and the Creator.

Imaginary people. The Original Creator.

Part 20. Manu and city with 11 Gates. 11 minutes video.

Moksha or liberation from participation in the cycle of Samsara. Imagination play stages - 6 days that change the world. Meditative contemplation. How the imaginary world comes to life. Nut and Paramatma.

Part 21. What happens after death. 13 minutes video.

The first path.


Duality in Imagination.

The process of actualization.

Part 22. Answering Questions about God and Prayer. 11 minutes video.

The prayers of many. Family Guy. Answering the Question about Death. The second path. The third path. The fourth path. Atman becomes equal to Brahman. Moksha. Jainism and manyantaras. Quantum physics and Moksha. Here Ends the second section of the second part of the Katha Upanishad.

Part 23. Katha Upanishad. Second Book, Chapter 3. 14 minutes video.

2.3.1- 2.3.3.

The tree of life. Greek mythology and "World Tree”. Slavic mythology. "Ready to strike”. Atoms. "And even Death, the greatest transformation, moves purposefully”. Our life is a school.

Part 24. Katha Upanishad. Second Book, Chapter 3. 13 minutes video.

2.3.4. - 2.3.8. A cycle of learning in reincarnations.

Sahaja in Buddhism.

Gandharvas. The concept of angels. Paradise. Brahman and a mirror.

Why does the world tree grow with its roots up?

Part 25. Shift in Views on Death and Afterlife. 15 minutes video.

2.3.8 - 2.3.9. Why is the Slavic word for “children” similar to the Hindu word for “Deities”? Brahmananda and meaning of life. Concept of Sameness in Hinduism. "Dharma-maya Shantikala”. What is “consciousness”?

Part 26. Consciousness and Mysticism. 13 minutes video.

2.3.9 - 2.3.17. Reason or God. The first description of Yoga in history. Apramattastada and Gnosis. “Dhyana”. The mortal Nachiketa, who inquired about his future non-existence, attains immortality. Purusha and Manu.

Part 27. Purusha and Manu. 8 minutes video.

Ends the third section of the second part of the Katha Upanishad.

Psychotherapeutic effect books for children's health. Conclusions. Children's Yoga Teacher.

Chapter 3. How to become Children Yoga Teacher.

Part 28. Conclusion. How to become Children Yoga Teacher.

Summing up the study of the oldest book.

Become a Certified Children's Yoga Teacher!

Do you want to become a Children's Yoga Teacher and help children cope with anxiety and fear of death?

In 2016, based on Katha Upanishada book, we conducted a practical seminar for children, which showed that simply studying the text little by little over 21 lessons reduces anxiety and fear of death in children.

You can now access the descriptions of these 21 lessons, as well as all the necessary teaching materials, as a PDF file.

At the end of the seminar you will be able to:

Conduct yoga classes for children using the knowledge and wisdom of the Katha Upanishad.

Help children find peace, confidence and inner strength.

Reduce anxiety and fear of death in children.

To obtain a Children's Yoga Teacher certificate:

Sign up for courses.

Take the free exam.

Upon successful completion of the exam, you will receive your Children's Yoga Teacher certification.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to become a certified Children's Yoga Teacher and help children achieve a happy and healthy future!

The workshop price includes access to 21 lesson descriptions, PDF study materials and a free exam.

Once you receive your certification, you can use it to promote your services as a Children's Yoga Teacher.

We look forward to meeting you at our seminar!

Chapter 4. Full version of Katha Upanishad

The full version of the Katha Upanishad is available in the Children's Yoga Teacher workshop.

Get access to the full version of the Katha Upanishad in PDF format and as a video book.

Take the free exam and become a certified Children's Yoga teacher.

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Don't miss your chance!

The Katha Upanishad and the Joy of Infinity
One time

Attention! This is a unique paid workshop! Why is this workshop paid, while all others on my site are free? Because it is based on my doctoral dissertation, which I have been working on for 6 years.

✓ Over 10 hours of video content.
✓ Unlimited lifetime access.
✓ The true nature of man to be immortal.
✓ All the essence of free seminars is here.
✓ Included - certified Children's Yoga Teacher seminar.

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