The Secrets of Sleep and Dreams Intro Video.

"The Secrets of Human Sleep and Dreams" - a fascinating seminar for adults and children about our ability, or responsibility, to sleep and dream.

Who on the planet doesn't sleep?

Do blind fish sleep in caves without sunlight?

Is it true that we all dream according to a pre-written pattern?

How have our sleeping habits changed since ancient times and why have people organized real sleepy parties?

All about sleep, disorders, and the magic of dreams.

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The Secrets of Sleep and Dreams.

The fascinating seminar for adults and children about our ability, or responsibility, to sleep and dream. Shocking sleep data. Why are we sleeping? Why do we dream? Dream patterns and other amazing discoveries.

8 video books about sleep and dreams:

Part 1: What is sleep? 8 minutes video.

Is it our ability? Or is it our essence as humans?

Ancient philosophers on sleep. Who doesn't sleep on planet earth?

Why do even those who do not have a nervous system sleep?

Sleep in microbes and a magical rhythm about which scientists know little.

Part 2: Magical rhythm. 10 minutes video.

Circadian and other rhythms. The 24.5-hour circadian rhythm in fruit flies. Moon rhythms of corals.

Hinduism and sleep. Sleep Phases. Do hydras dream? Sleep in a Healthy Individual.

Since the REM sleep phase is found in many animal species and all mammals, it is assumed that animals also dream.

Part 3: Dreams. 10 minutes video.

Analyzing dreams - Entity, Essence, and Existence.

Differences between Dream and Imagination. History of dreams. Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Hindu mythology.

Westcar Papyrus Circa 2000 B.C.

Why do our dreams change since ancient times? Modern science is quiet about it.

Part 4: The invisible dream template. 12 minutes video.

Shocking discovery of Kelvin Hall about dream templates.

Anxiety in 44 percent of the time and only experience joy or happiness in 32 percent during sleep.

Dream book Oneirocritika by Artemidorus Daldianus in the II-III centuries AD.

Dream interpretation during history of mankind and why it stopped.

Part 5: Sigmund Freud and Buddhism. 14 minutes video.

Sigmund Freud and his theory of Condensation and Displacement.

Carl Jung and his theories. Alan Hobson and his contributions to the science of dream research.

Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and dreams. Orthodox Faith and their opinion of dreams as harmful entertainment..

Why do hesychast monks recite prayers in their sleep?

Part 6: Lucid Dreaming and Sleep paralysis. 9 minutes video.

Frederik van Eeden and lucid dreaming.

How to achieve Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) during sleep?

Oneiroid syndrome.

Sleep paralysis.

Nightmares. Mara - strange creature from folk traditions.

Night Terrors. Ukamairinek.

Part 7: Sleepwalking or somnambulism. 10 minutes video.

4.64% - 10.3% of kids experience “lunacy" or sleepwalking. Sexsomnia. Polyphasic sleep. Tibetan monks and “tulku”. Siesta.

Modern Polyphasic sleep: Everyman, Uberman, and Dymaxion. “Yoga nidra” in Hinduism. Amazonian Indians practiced polyphasic sleep.

Concept of Biphasic Sleep in the Middle Ages that may shock you. Grand sleep parties in the Renaissance and Sleep masks.

Part 8: Conclusion. 5 minutes video.

Awaiting new discoveries and delving into ancient texts, the mysteries of sleep and dreams remain captivating aspects of human life.

Sleep and dreams continue to keep secrets from our science.



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